MU Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy will increase faculty and grow student programs.
Uriah Orland
Political Science

The University of Missouri today received a $25 million gift from the Kinder Foundation to increase educational opportunities within the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy, a world-leading center devoted to the study of the American founding. The new gift — which brings the total philanthropy to the institute by Rich and Nancy Kinder and the foundation to $60 million — will expand the faculty and popular program offerings, such as the Washington D.C. internship and study abroad at Oxford University in England.

The Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy is an interdisciplinary, signature academic center at Mizzou, jointly operated by faculty from the Political Science and History departments within the College of Arts & Science, in cooperation with scholars across campus.

Mun Choi, president of the University of Missouri
Mun Choi, president of the University of Missouri, announces the $25 million gift from Rich and Nancy Kinder and the Kinder Foundation for the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy.