Jamie Arndt
Senior Associate Dean
317 Lowry Hall

As Senior Associate Dean, Jamie Arndt is committed to supporting A&S team members to reach their highest impact.  

With a focus on the faculty and staff who make our mission possible, Dr. Arndt is fostering a healthy, supportive, and inclusive environment where all members of the A&S team are valued, can achieve their goals, and thrive. Dr. Arndt is dedicated to recruiting the best and brightest to Mizzou through faculty recruitment, hiring, and retention planning. He works with leadership, department chairs, and faculty to create programs and policies that support their work and reduce barriers to productivity. With an advisory budget role, he helps inform the fiscal decisions that put people and departments in a position to have their greatest impact. 

An advocate for research and creative work, Dr. Arndt developed an expanded arts and humanities faculty fellowship support program, the Faculty Grant Support Program, and the Graduate Student Grant Support Program. Dr. Arndt was a partner in launching key research initiatives at A&S including current efforts on the planned neuroscience center. Dr. Arndt was a member of the Campus Research Incentives Taskforce for defining a modeling structure for research incentives.  

Dr. Arndt leads space planning and renovations for the 25+ buildings occupied by A&S departments and programs. He coordinates renovations or acquisitions across the arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and natural and mathematical sciences. These efforts include leading the STEM Student Success Center development project to ensure students have access to the advising and support services they need to thrive. 

Dr. Arndt previously served as Chair of the Department of Psychological Sciences after directing the Social Personality Training Area in Psychology for 10 years. As Chair, he developed the STRIVE approach to inclusive culture, a faculty honorific awards strategy, and helped lead the development of the Missouri Center for Addiction Research and Engagement and the Cognitive Neuroscience Systems Core Facility among other initiatives.  

Dr. Arndt is a prolific researcher, having published nearly 175 scholarly works, as well as a popular textbook in social psychology. His research into the motivation of health-related behavior has been funded by the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities. Dr. Arndt has been recognized for his teaching and research with awards such as the Frederic A Middlebush Chair in Psychological Sciences and the Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity in the Behavioral and Social Sciences. He has been recognized as a Fellow of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and the Association of Psychological Science, and was a founding member of the Social Personality Health Network.  

He earned a Bachelor of Arts from Skidmore College and a PhD from the University of Arizona.