First row: Ali Bajramovic, Peyton Blakemore, Wes Brandsgaard, Jordan Fee
Second row: Naomi Garson, Dani Jennings, Bobby Lee, Benjamin Mahurin
Third row: Afshan Musani, Olivia Sanders, Aaron Tebbe, Clarissa Varner
Each semester, faculty and staff members from across the College of Arts and Science nominate outstanding graduating seniors.
A&S faculty and staff selected students who have been outstanding citizens and grown through their experiences with the college and at Mizzou — students who have impressed and inspired through aspirations, perseverance, participation and other contributions.
Click the names below to learn more about a few of the many outstanding Tigers graduating in December.
Hometown: St. Louis
Ali Bajramovic
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Business
Favorite A&S memory: Working as a teaching assistant in Professor Steven Keller’s Chemistry 1100 class and in Professor Kristin Hutchins’ chemistry research lab.
Future plans: Attending Southern Illinois University Edwardsville for pharmacy school
Faculty shoutout: Professor Hutchins for giving me an amazing opportunity to be a part of her research lab.

Hometown: St. Louis
Peyton Blakemore
Majors: Psychological Sciences and Sociology
Minor: Black Studies
I was inspired to pursue a double major in Psychology and Sociology because of my passion for social service and the expansion of resources to underrepresented populations.
I would shout out Daive Dunkley for being one of the best professors that I have ever had! As a professor, he is very understanding, and his passion for Black Studies translates through his work. He also gives some great advice!

Hometown: Chillicothe, Missouri
Wes Brandsgaard
Major: Biological Sciences
I have family ties to the university, as well as love for city of Columbia and Mizzou sports. Majoring in Biological Sciences provided a strong science foundation that aligned perfectly with my goal of attending dental school.
Generally speaking, it is the overall experience of being around an environment that fostered my pursuit of learning/science. Whether it be collaborating with peers in labs or lectures, the supportive community with the College of Arts and Sciences is one I would advise to anyone.
Jordan Parshall has been an outstanding advisor. She consistently went above and beyond, working around her schedule to help as much as she could. I am very grateful for her support and helping me succeed!

Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri
Jordan Fee
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Minor: Sociology
There are so many people at Mizzou that deserve a shoutout for all they have done to better me as a student and as a person throughout my time as an undergraduate. Ms. Anamaria Fernandez at the CASE office has guided me and many other students with patience and unyielding kindness. She is an extraordinary problem solver and creative organizer that has the unique ability to connect to her students. She exemplifies care in every action.
Dr. Troy Hall, I owe a great debt to. It was his tutelage that I credit with expanding my educational and personal horizons. He provided me with the framework not simply walk through life, but to ponder, observe, and comprehend every aspect of existence. My mode of living has been irrevocably altered by his masterful and thoughtful instruction.
Lastly, my advisor Ms. Carolyn Trout I appreciate so much for her kindness and skills. We have solved many a problem together and she has always been a supporter for not only myself but for her other students as well. I give her my thanks.
There are many others who deserve recognition as well. In the college of Arts and Sciences students are able to find not just an excellent opportunity for learning, but also to build meaningful connections that stick with them for a lifetime. Each and every person I have interacted with during my time at Mizzou has helped to shape who I am today and will become.

Hometown: Columbia, Missouri
Naomi Garson
Majors: English and Secondary Language Arts Education
I chose Mizzou because of the opportunities it gave me to explore many different subjects when I first started college, and I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. I chose English and Education because I love reading, writing, learning about as many different subjects as I can, and working with high schoolers!
One of my favorite memories is when I discovered the magical abilities of the library. I went into the stacks in Ellis for my first research essay on Shakespeare, looking for one specific book, but ended up finding tons more books about exactly what I was looking for! I was astonished.
One professor I want to give a shoutout to is Bill Kerwin. I really loved his Shakespeare class here at Mizzou and studying abroad in Ireland with him! He is a wonderful professor and person!

Hometown: Columbia, Missouri
Dani Jennings
Major: Architectural Studies
I chose Mizzou because I felt it gave me the greatest opportunity for success, and I chose Arch Studies & Interior Design because it marries logic and creativity, allowing me to exercise all parts of my brain and use the biggest range of my talents.
Participating in the Chancellor's Arts showcase was a great experience to show the community what the Arch department is capable of as well as great practice talking to many different kinds of people about my own work.
I would like to say I could have completed this program without certain people, but I would not have had such a personally enriching experience and learned so much about myself without the constant support of Connie Fitzgerald and Lyria Bartlett. Their wisdom and guidance kept me on track and their belief in me, especially during moments where the belief in myself was lacking, challenged me to realize what I am really capable of and rise to meet my full potential.

Hometown: Waterloo, Illinois
Bobby Lee
Majors: History and Constitutional Democracy
Minors: East Asian Studies and Political Science
I chose Mizzou because, from the moment I stepped on campus, I felt at home and knew this would be a place where I could learn and grow.
My experience as an ASH scholar really showcased the variety and depth of research that is possible in the arts, sciences, and humanities, and Santa Fe Trail Day was so fun to be able to put on.
Dr. Dominic Yang was a tremendous teacher, advisor, and confidante who made me passionate about my major. His support was always appreciated.

Hometown: St. Louis County
Benjamin Mahurin
Majors: German Studies and Anthropology
Minors: Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Native American and Indigenous Studies
Learning German through InterDAF at the University of Leipzig. The routine of waking up early and using the S-Bahn to get to the building on Lumumbastraße was relaxing.
It's very difficult to choose just one person. Nevertheless, I'm going to shout out Dr. Christine VanPool. It was in one of her classes that I had to find a few of the assigned readings through AnthroSource, one of the databases our library subscribes to. This was to get traffic flowing through it and to show the university that academic resources were worth subscribing to and keeping.
At the time, I didn't really understand the value of these resources, and I didn't understand why we were being made to put extra effort into finding our articles. Since then I've come to appreciate the breadth and depth of the resources that our library continues to offer.

Hometown: Mumbai, India
Afshan Musani
Majors: Film Production and Journalism
Working at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City during summer 2024 was the highlight because it exposed me to real-world media and politics. My stories were published on five news stations spread throughout Missouri, which cover 70% of the state's viewership.
I'd give a shoutout to Professor Christian Rozier. His class is the only film class I'm taking this semester before graduating and he has been the most kind and encouraging professor I've met at A&S!

Hometown: Chesterfield, Missouri
Olivia Sanders
Majors: Business Administration and International Studies
Minor: Chinese Studies
I chose Mizzou because of the incredible opportunities they offer which as lead me to make so many great memories of the course of college.
I would shout out Professor Volz because I have had him as a professor for each of my nine semesters here at Mizzou. He has been a great teacher and mentor who always offers new perspectives, pushes students to be their best, think critically about complex topics, and fosters an exciting learning environment.

Hometown: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Aaron Tebbe
Majors: Psychological Sciences
Minor: Chemistry
Attending Dr. Moore's chemistry lectures and office hours inspired me to pursue a minor in chemistry. She fostered a sense of belonging as a pre-med student that continues to make a profound difference in my journey.
Dr. Moore made understanding a most challenging subject attainable. Equally important to her passion for teaching is her innate ability to make all students (especially non-traditional students) feel welcomed in her classroom as well as in STEM. Betsy Miller, my academic advisor, endured countless meetings with me as I fumbled my way through pre-med as a first-generation college student. She was most insightful and went out of her way to make time for my endless questions. I cannot thank them enough for their guidance and support. A million thanks to both Dr. Moore and Betsy Miller.

Hometown: Poplar Bluff, Missouri
Clarissa Varner
Majors: Anthropology and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
I chose the University of Missouri because I am a native Missourian and strongly support public institutions of education. I chose to pursue anthropology and ancient Mediterranean studies because they both allow for the study of archaeology and culture. The study of the past and humanity are wildly fascinating.
In Anthropology 2021, we were able to throw atlatl darts on Francis Quadrangle, which was an incredibly fun use of experimental archaeology. This hands-on approach to learning during my first semester solidified my interest in archaeology, as well as my knowledge that Mizzou was the right campus for me.
Professor Stevens' ancient history courses were my favorite classes throughout my time at the University of Missouri. His classes are rigorous, yet rewarding, which allowed my writing abilities to flourish. His courses prepared us for substantial research and professional writing, which was a great benefit personally.